What we do

Our campaigns are embedded within our client partners’ communication strategy and aligned with their overall brand, corporate or organisational plans, to engage earned (TV, radio, print, online digital and social) media. Our multi-channel campaigns are designed to achieve maximum audience engagement, reach and behaviour change. At Advocate we provide…


Advocacy communications

PR/communications campaign creation, planning and execution

Content creation and management

Celebrity recruitment and engagement

Media and digital outreach

ROI evaluation and measurement


Life sciences are key to improving the quality and standard of life, and have a role to play in technology, human and animal health, agriculture and food sciences, environment and ecology. At Advocate we have a passion for life sciences and deep experience in the area.

The sectors we work in are also driven by celebrity passions, life experiences and interests and as such cross the full life spectrum. We access and engage with celebrities via our celebrity partners, with the help of our advisory board and through partnering with agents. Once connected, our Advocate 360 celebrity profile interview harvests a wealth of genuine celebrity interests and life experiences which feed into Advocate’s bespoke campaign planning.


Authenticity and a genuine connection to the subject area are key to our offering. Our approach starts with accessing celebrities via our celebrity partners and their network. We take the time to explore and truly understand each celebrity, their passions, experiences and things that are close to their heart.

This authenticity is at the centre of Advocate and is what delivers genuine influence from the celebrity. They are not engaged purely because of their high profile, they believe in the subject area and can support and advocate from a position of confidence, credibility and responsibility.


Celebrities are part of our pop culture and day-to-day lives through TV, print, social and online media and can have a major impact on people’s outlook and behaviour.

This impact has been widely studied and business schools including Harvard and Manchester have published research showing positive associations between celebrity support and awareness for a cause, consumer confidence, purchasing decisions and a brand’s performance, particularly when there is a believable connection. There is also evidence showing that celebrity influence can drive behaviour change, anything from the lifestyle they lead, products they buy or awareness and opinion of particular issues.

Many celebrities also choose to use their profile to promote worthy causes or champion movements close to their hearts, aligning themselves with a charity and supporting that organisation with value and credibility. Celebrities that are genuinely passionate about a particular cause with which they have had personal experience or exposure can make a real difference, not just due to an emotional connection, also through raised credibility in the eyes of potential supporters.