
oliver (ollie) parsons, MANAGING DIRECTOR AND PARTNER

Oliver (Ollie) has been working at the forefront of communications for the last 25 years. With a big agency upbringing and experience working in the UK and other markets, Ollie brings an entrepreneurial spark to his clients’ campaigns, backed up by an excellence in delivery. Comfortable working with senior management of major corporations, key opinion formers and influencers, and those well known in the public eye, Ollie brings a confident creativity to his work and a no nonsense approach to business.

As co-Founder of two of Europe’s most successful award winning PR agencies (Tonic, and SO What Global) which he led to acquisition and beyond, Ollie loves to work with his teams to delight his clients and deliver genuine impact for their brands, organisations and audiences.

When not spending time with his wife and son, Ollie spends his time watching live sport with family and friends, or traveling to other countries and cultures. He has been known to enjoy a nice chilled cider and has been drinking it since long before it became cool to do so.

Ollie is an Advocate of effective communication, team work and determination…and a big believer in the ‘Who wants it more’ approach to life.